Sunday, May 6, 2007

Sunday May 6

Well today I was feeling a little tired. We have had a bit of a virus running around our family so I tried to rest a bit so we could go to the gym tonight.

I ended up doing the elliptical for 20 minutes. I went really hard and it ended up being a mile and a half. I try to do some of it backwards each time, so today I did 15 minutes regular and then the last 5 minutes I did backwards. By running the elliptical backward you end up using different muscles, especially the hamstrings. I am trying to keep the hamstrings in shape since runners tend to develop their quads out of proportion to their hamstrings. I also work on that by walking backward on the treadmill- it looks funny but it works!!

I hope that this blog will motivate some people to keep themselves moving too!

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