Sunday, August 19, 2007

I waited a week to hit the trail again. During the week, I have gone to the gym and rode the bike or walked on the treadmill since my hip was hurting. It hurt worse after walking the treadmill, so I am going to do long runs on the weekend, and ride the bike during the week for the time being. Luckily I have been working a lot with an orthopedic doc who runs, so I am going to ask him about this injury and what I should do about it.

Yesterday my wonderful husband went trail running with me. He didn't really want to, and he especially didn't want to run for 2 hours. But that is what we did. The trail running is not 2 solid hours of running though- it's running when you can and walking when you can't run. The course we took was different than the run course, but was probably about the same distance. We had a great time, and both agreed that it was much more fun than having a "date night" and going out to dinner.

Luc was very jealous that we got to go out on the trails, so today I took him there. He wanted to do the hard trails, so we ended up doing the sulphur springs loop which was the hardest part of last Saturday's race. He had a hard time, but he kept on going. I was quite proud of him!

Luc has been watching a lot of "Survivorman" and "Man vs. Wild" lately, so he packed a good bag, if a bit overkill. Of course, I ended up carrying his backpack and my fanny pack for most of the hike, which I knew I would end up doing. I was just glad to have him out "doing" instead of just "watching". And I was especially glad that he had packed a roll of TP. I tried out the new accelerade endurance formula, and it didn't sit with me very well... so I did get to teach Luc how to go to the bathroom in the woods without messing yourself!

Training is taking it's toll on me. I have been limping around from the hip problem. I am having a tough time getting out of bed to get to the gym at five in the morning before work, and I am really tired by 8 PM. Luckily my family is very understanding. And very loving! Several years ago, the word simplify was a very important word to me. Now, I feel like "endure" is the word for this season in my life.

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